06 joulukuuta, 2022

Mary Jean Chan & Andrew McMillan: 100 queer poems

Antologia, täynnä queer-runoja. Eikö kuulosta hyvältä? Ja sitä tää oli.

Oli runoja, jotka meni mun ymmärryksen ohi. Oli runoja, jotka kolahteli mussa ku puupalikka kattilan sisällä. Sain kiinni jostain. Tän mun loputtoman väsymyksen takia englanniksi lukeminen on hidastunu. Mutta onneksi sain luettua tän!

Nää runot haluaisin vielä lukea uudelleen:
Elizabeth Bishop: Sestina
Emily Hasler: What Gretel Knows
Chen Chen: I Invite My Parents to a Dinner Party
Ocean Vuong: Reasons for staying

Nämä kaksi runoa halusin kirjoittaa tähän ylös. Varsinkin alempi on upea!

Kazim Ali: Wrong Star

Wrong star I chose
To sail under alone
I did not want
To be alone
Brought or abandoned
Those nights when
I did not know
Who could know
Am I invited
Do you remember
Which question
Needs answer

Shivanee Ramlochan:
I See that Lilith Hath Been with Thee Again

I saw our daughter in the grocery store again.
This time, she'd discarded the old shoes,
because finally,
her hooves are coming through.

She was using her talons to tear through meat packets.

Oh, honey, I frowned.
Your mun is vegan.
Our daughter followed me to the produce aisle, and she chewed
one carrot, sadly, to try to make me happy. It didn't take.

She could barely tame the wild things of her teeth.

We sat and talked in the trunk of my car for about
fifteen minutes afterwards. I offered to pay for her shopping.
She said,

Mother, don't bother. I'm covered. I've got it
sorted, between furnace and the fire and
the pit of my stomach does all my flame charring anyway. I'm
set, for days.

She said, "Tell Mum don't worry. I've got nice place. No boys.
I'm finishing up my degree and I don't dream of having fathers;
not anymore. You raides me well, you can't even tell
where to roots of my hair
used to be."

She said, "I'm sorry, I didn't want the same life as you both did."
I guess that's what most mothers want to hear.

Honey, oh honey,
we did good.

Lilith sends us love and photographs of her last kill.
We made mantelipiece of her baby antlers. We know
how to breathe now, how not to be
ungrateful. We love her; we just
don't want the same things she did.
That's all.

2 kommenttia:

  1. Hienot näytteet! Hyvä että sait kirjan loppuun. :)
